Posts tagged with ‘HR’

Trent Building, University Park

Performance Related Reward — focus groups

In November 2018, the Vice-Chancellor and Director of Human Resources wrote letters to all staff announcing […]

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Reforms to PDPR

The Vice-Chancellor and Director of Human Resources are writing letters to all staff announcing changes to […]

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Disability December 2018

During December 2018 the University of Nottingham will be celebrating Disability December with a range of […]

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Week of Wellbeing and new Employee Hub launched

The first University of Nottingham Week of Wellbeing starts today, with more than 150 activities and […]

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Spotlight on… Dealing with difficult people and situations

Janet Brothwell from the Employee Relations team in HR discusses dealing with difficult people and situations.

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Disability Confident Committed (Level 1)

The University of Nottingham has become a registered Disability Confident employer. Disability Confident is a voluntary […]

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2018 Wellbeing Conference: Working Well in Higher Education

This one-day Conference brings together leading researchers from the University of Birmingham and University of Nottingham, in health education and wellbeing to explore how HR practitioners, managers and those responsible for staff wellbeing activity can use research findings to develop priorities for the HE workplace.

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Casual Staff Pay Rates Update

The rates of pay for casual staff have been reviewed, with new rates coming into effect […]

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LGBT History Month 2018

LGBT History Month 2018 is now underway — it’s the fifth year that we have celebrated this event at the […]

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USS pensions update

USS members across the sector will be consulted in March on a proposal to move future […]

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