Disability December 2018

November 15th, 2018

During December 2018 the University of Nottingham will be celebrating Disability December with a range of events for staff and students including workshops, panel discussions, music performances and more. Full details of the programme will be available soon, with events that staff can book onto now detailed below.

Did you know…

Disability Declaration: why it’s important

Declaring a disability and discussing it with your line manager enables you to access reasonable adjustments.

If you haven’t done so already, providing your personal details in MyView will help the University better understand the diversity of our staff. To do this, please log in to MyView and go to ‘Equality Monitoring Data’.

Guidance for line managers

Guidance for line managers on ‘Supporting Disabled Staff’ is available on the Equality and Diversity web pages.

Introducing the first of our events:

Mental Health

We all have mental health. We are all likely to be affected, directly or indirectly, by mental ill health at some point in our lives. Research informs us that mental ill health is a global problem affecting 676 million people worldwide (WHO, 2015). Recent research (Hughes et al., 2018) identifies HE staff and students as a particularly vulnerable group.

The University is committed to tackling this important issue including through raising awareness of mental health and training significant numbers of University staff as Mental Health First Aiders.

This series of Disability December workshops include:

  • Briefings for line managers on why it is important to take mental health seriously
  • Mental Health Awareness workshops delivered by MHFA trainers

More details and how to book can be found here: https://training.nottingham.ac.uk/Guests/GuestCourse.aspx?CourseRef=DDE&dates.

Supporting staff

During Disability December the University will be running:

  • Briefings on Calibre (the personal and leadership development programme for disabled staff)
  • Briefing sessions on declaring a disability and requesting reasonable adjustments

More details and how to book can be found here: https://training.nottingham.ac.uk/Guests/GuestCourse.aspx?CourseRef=DDE&dates.

Find out more

You can subscribe to the people and culture blog for further updates.

Other events may be announced throughout the month. For full listings, please visit the University’s events page.

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