Wellness in the workplace: befriending performance anxiety

  • Start Date: May 13, 2019 at 2:00 pm
  • End Date: May 13, 2019 at 3:00 pm
  • Contact E-Mail: peopleandculture@nottingham.ac.uk
  • Location: B1, Law and Social Sciences Building, University Park
  • Ticket Price: 0.00

An hour-long interactive session for University of Nottingham staff led by professional pianist Dr Xenia Pestova, Director of Performance, Department of Music.

Performance anxiety can manifest in many different areas of our lives. Whether you are giving a presentation, preparing for a professional review or facing a difficult conversation, there are proven methods that can help you feel more grounded and supported.

Dr Xenia Pestova is a performer and music coach with international experience. She will work with the group to guide you through simple breathing techniques, focus exercises and gentle stretches incorporating yoga and Qi Gong influences to help understand and befriend performance anxiety.

Booking is essential as places are limited. Once fully booked, a waiting list will be held. If you have booked a place but can no longer attend, please cancel your booking to allow other colleagues the opportunity to attend.

Please email peopleandculture@nottingham.ac.uk to book your place.

Presented as part of Month of the Mind.

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