Posts tagged with ‘LGBT’

Discipline and punish: Foucault, BDSM & his philosophy of power

University of Nottingham Associate Professor Dr Max Biddulph aims to audit Foucault’s interest in BDSM, his involvement in the gay men’s leather scene in San Francisco in the early 1970s and assess its contribution to his ‘forensic understanding’ of both the artefacts and conduits of power.

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Mojisola Adebayo: a retrospective presentation

Join the Rights and Justice RPA, University of Nottingham and the Nottingham Writer’s Studio for a unique event which asks, what is the place of the queer artist on the world stage today?

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Polari: the lost and found gay language

Professor Paul Baker, Lancaster University, joins us to discuss the history of Polari – a ‘form of theatrical slang incorporating Italianate words, rhyming slang, and Romany, used especially by homosexuals’ (Oxford Dictionaries).

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LGBT rights are human rights

Join the Centre for Research in Race and Rights and The University of Nottingham Research Priority Area in Rights and Justice for a discussion focusing on LGBT rights around the world. Part of our LGBT History Month celebrations 2016.

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Hate Crime in Nottingham and beyond

What is the rate of hate crime in Nottingham, and in the UK in general? Why do people avoid reporting it, and what can people within and outside the LGBT community do to spread awareness but also prevent crime? Over the course of the evening, David Edgeley from Rainbow Heritage will discuss how barriers to coming out affect the rate of reporting hate crime, and Sam Hope (an activist on LGBT rights) will focus on their work in campaigning against hate crime in Nottingham.

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Lesbian pulp fiction: then and now

The University of Nottingham welcomes Dr Kaye Mitchell, Senior Lecturer at The University of Manchester, to discuss the history of Lesbian Pulp Fiction, the 1950’s paperback publishing phenomenon in the USA.

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LGBT Film Festival

Join the Centre for Research in Race and Rights and the University’s Research Priority Area in Rights and Justice for a film festival at the Nottingham Contemporary, Saturday 6 February, 11-5pm. Part of our LGBT History Month 2016 celebrations.

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LGBT Healthcare and Awareness Day

Come along to this free event to discuss LGBT Healthcare and Awareness. There will also be a choir performance and free pizza. Part of our LGBT History Month 2016 celebrations.

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The B word? Visibility and inclusion of bisexuality

The University of Nottingham welcomes Dr Christina Richards, Psychotherapist and Senior Specialist Psychology Associate and Clinical Research Fellow, to discuss perceptions of bisexuality within society.

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Upendo – film, discussion, performance

Join us for Upendo, an afternoon of film, discussion and performance exploring the LGBTQ community in Africa and its diaspora and issues of human rights, religion and philosophy. Part of our LGBT History Month 2016 celebrations.

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