Posts tagged with ‘teaching’

Formative assessment lessons: their use in the South African context

Marie Joubert and the School of Education present this talk, reporting on one partner’s experience within a design research project, called Formative Assessment in Science and Mathematics Education (FaSMEd).

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Gender matters in educational leadership

Dr Kay Fuller and the School of Education present this seminar, which will explore the importance of gender in educational leadership.

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Professional learning in the context of Bowland Professional Development: Mrs Oublier revisited?

Dr Steve Watson, University of Cambridge, presents an in depth analysis of one teacher’s experience participating in a reform-oriented professional development programme.

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Teaching Transformation Programme conference

Colleagues are invited to attend the University’s free annual teaching conference, this year exploring Teaching Transformation Programme themes and issues in schools across the University.

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The role of geometrical figures in geometrical thinking: making students blind or explorers?

The Centre for Research in Mathematics Education present a free lecture. Athanasios Gagatsis, University of Cyprus, will discuss ‘The role of geometric figures in geometrical thinking: making students blind or explorers?’

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Motivating the unmotivated: what we can learn from students disaffected with school mathematics

The Centre for Research in Mathematics Education present a lecture looking at the evidence of the incidence of disaffection, and the importance of affect in learning or not learning mathematics.

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University Staff Oscars

Do you know a University Staff member who has gone above and beyond to enhance the […]

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Dearing Awards 2015: nominations open!

The Dearing Awards recognise a wide range of staff contributions to enhancing the learning environment. Each […]

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Have your say on IT development at UoN — and earn a 10 pound print credit

Students – how can we improve your IT services? Could we support your teaching and research […]

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