Dr Mathew Inglis, Mathematics Education Centre, University of Loughborough, presents studies where he has used methods developed by psychologists interested in understanding human personalities to investigate the ‘personalities’ of educational objects.
Tags: education, mathematics, Mathew Inglis, psychology, School of Education, University of Loughborough
Marie Joubert and the School of Education present this talk, reporting on one partner’s experience within a design research project, called Formative Assessment in Science and Mathematics Education (FaSMEd).
Tags: education, higher education, international, Marie Joubert, mathematics, School of Education, South Africa, teaching
Professor Leslie NK Lo, Beijing Normal University, and the School of Education present this seminar looking at Distributed Leadership in Chinese education.
Tags: Beijing Normal University, Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management, China, Distributed Leadership, education, Leslie Lo, School of Education
Colin Harrison and the School of Education present the learning lunch ‘Un-publication: the dark side of open-access publication (for the desperate, crackpots and the naive)’.
Tags: Colin Harrison, Learning Sciences Research Institute, open access, publication, research, School of Education
Dr Diane Dalby and the School of Education present this seminar examining the profile of mathematics within the context of vocational education.
Tags: Centre for Research in Mathematics Education, Diane Dalby, education, mathematics, School of Education, vocational education
Eleanna Skoulikari, CREATE Lab, Bath University and the Learning Sciences Research Institute present ‘The use of novel technologies in educational assessment’.
Tags: assessment, Bath University, CREATE Lab, education, Eleanna Skoulikari, Learning Sciences Research Institute, School of Education, technology
Dr Kay Fuller and the School of Education present this seminar, which will explore the importance of gender in educational leadership.
Tags: Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management, diversity, education, equality, gender, Kay Fuller, School of Education, teaching, women
Professor Cathy Lewin, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the School of Education present a seminar drawing on iTEC, a 4-year pan-European project designed to support teachers to change their practice through the adoption of digital pedagogies in the classroom.
Tags: Cathy Lewin, education, Learning Sciences Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, School of Education
In this School of Education learning lunch, Mary Oliver discusses ‘Modifying moral reasoning’.
Tags: education, Learning Sciences Research Institute, morality, School of Education
In this School of Education learning lunch, Charles Crook discusses ‘Not learning from the news’.
Tags: education, learning lunch, Learning Sciences Research Institute, media, news, School of Education