LGBTQ+: The Nottingham Experience

In line with this year’s LGBT History Month theme (‘Geography: Mapping the World), this event aims to put Nottingham on the map and focus on the experience of LGBTQ people in our city. 

A panel discussion will bring together representatives from the University of Nottingham, Nottingham City Council, Nottingham University Hospitals, the Nottingham LGBT Network and more, to each provide a unique perspective on what it is like to be LGBTQ in Nottingham today.

 Topics covered will include: 

  • the challenges facing the LGBT community in Nottingham 
  • hate crime and policing 
  • LGBT inclusive curriculum 
  • LGBT health and wellbeing and the support within Nottingham 
  • the student experience and how we can attract more LGBT students to Nottingham 
  • the lack of LGBT bars and clubs in Nottingham 

The panel will include:

  • Colin Mudd (Nottingham University Hospitals NHS)
  • Pippa Hallett (Nottingham LGBT+ Network)
  • Rosey Donovan (Nottingham City Council)
  • Max Biddulph (Chair of the BME Staff Network, University of Nottingham)
  • Chris Smith (Students’ Union, University of Nottingham)
  • Dave Alton (Nottinghamshire Police)

This event is open to all, however advance booking is required. Refreshments will be provided.

Book your place via EventBrite.

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