Posts tagged with ‘sustainability’

New electric vehicle charge points on campus

The university is in the process of installing new electric vehicle charge points across our campuses […]

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The Midlands’ Journey to Net Zero

This in-person conference is for researchers, academics, industry representatives and professional services staff who are interested in finding out about how local communities are working towards Net Zero.

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Join us for Sustainability Action Week

Sustainability Action Week will take place from 13-17 March this year and sees a week of […]

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Adapting our cities to climate change: a blue-green vision

In this lecture, Dr Emily O’Donnell will explore how barriers to BGI may be overcome to enable blue-green visions for cities to be realised.

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University is third in the world for sustainability

The University of Nottingham has been ranked third in the world in a list of the […]

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What does it mean to be a nature positive university?

The university is growing its biodiversity efforts and pledging to become a nature positive university – […]

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Sustainability Green Gown win for pharmacy technician

A technician from the university has been recognised for his commitment to sustainability by being awarded […]

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Greening Everything circularity: putting back more than we take out

An economics of ‘wellbeing’ must live within contracting, annual carbon budgets, in which ‘circularity’ is more important than productivity and ‘growth’ is defined more by nature than consumption. This session will explore some of the exciting ways in which some countries and communities are attempting to do so.

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The ’15 minute city’: connectivity and accountability as drivers of carbon reduction

Disruptive planning; zero-carbon transport networks. Paris: the 15-minute city. Low traffic neighbourhoods and zero-emission zones. Putting communities before cars. Carbon rationing; getting the alternatives in place first. Urban lungs; bringing nature back into cities. The war on waste; lessons in tax and circularity.

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Energy: Back to the future – local democracy, public ownership and social inclusion

This session will focus on the (regulatory) art of consuming less. Smart everything; sharing the lessons of localised, integrated energy systems. Empowering communities instead of corporations. Energy: a service not a market. International examples of decentralised and accountable energy systems.

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