What does Neurodiversity look like in person?

Staff and students of Computer Science are hosting a day of sharing stories and information around Neurodiversities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD or Autism Spectrum Condition), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and related conditions.

The event will be held in person and online (see ticket type)

Most of us running this event are diagnosed with or identify as Neurodiverse – you might be amazed at the difficulties and disparities in getting a diagnosis.

We want to make the day as inclusive as we possibly can. One way is to run hybrid in-person and online sessions where people online can interact with each other – or not – and with people in person, so that no one misses out based on how they attend.

Another way is to focus on the actual experience of living with Neurodiversity, so that we value your individual story as much as we value a piece of academic research.

If you would like to be a part of the event, we are also looking for contributions from staff and students, at any level at UoN or working in an area relevant to Neurodiverse staff and students.

The goal is a friendly, inclusive, informative day for Neurodiverse people to share and hear each other’s experiences and for Neurotypical people to learn a bit about how we can all understand each other better.

Contributions can take any form as long as they can be shown both in person and online. This could be a poster that’s printed out and available online in hi-res PDF; a live online panel on a particular topic that people can watch from a laptop in the Atrium; an artwork; a provocation – the sky is the limit.

We especially welcome contributions from people new to presenting their work at events.

Contributions that can stand alone such as research posters, artworks, or videos should be ‘staffed’(i.e. the creator(s) should be available online or in person to talk about their work) for at least one hour.

Talks, panels, live performances, etc. should last approximately 30 – 90 minutes depending on the content, but this is flexible. Contributors should be available for at least another 15 minutes to respond to any questions and/or include their contact information.

Technical Specifications:

Images: most image formats such as JPG, PNG, TIFF; 1920 x 1080, maximum size of 200MB

Videos : MP4, 1920 x 1080, maximum size of 200MB

Please submit your abstract for contribution and biography via the following MS Form if you wish to participate, by 15 April 2022:


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