Translation Technology in Education – Facilitator or Risk?

Automated translation services such as Google Translate have become widely available at no cost. Given the technology’s capacity, to some it may be a shortcut to circumvent language acquisition, while to others it may be a facilitator to learning.

For universities, in particular with growing internationalisation, one important question is what role translation technology may play in Higher Education, for instance in research activities or in the production of assessed work, also with regard to the expectations of external stakeholders, such as employers. Equally, for secondary education and Modern Language education, it could play a role in the interaction between pupils whose first language is not English and teachers or in the engagement of students with the learning materials.

In that light, this event brings together an exciting range of international scholarship that covers topics including:

  • abilities of automated translation applications
  • the potential role of automated translation in Education
  • professional market expectations and practices
  • implications for language teaching & learning and translator training
  • views of students and academics on the use of automated translation for studying and coursework production
  • curriculum and assessment design
  • policy making

This event will take place 9am-5pm on Friday 5 July in C14, Teaching and Learning Building, University Park.

To register your place, visit the event page. Registration closes Thursday 20 June. Tickets cost £20 and £10 for students.

For more information, contact Klaus Mundt or  Yvonne Lee.

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