Towards an archaeology of cheese

Join us for the Inaugural lecture by Professor Mark Pearce.

Mark specialises in the archaeology of Prehistoric Italy, and is specially interested in early mining and metallurgy, early farming and mountain economies.

Cheese is an important part of the European diet which many people eat every day. It is also a food of great historical and economic significance, allowing milk to be preserved and more easily traded, and so allowing new areas, away from settlements, to be grazed. Cheese contains significantly less lactose than milk, meaning it can more easily be consumed by those with lactose intolerance, thus increasing its value. In this lecture I shall discuss the various options for processing milk, our evidence for the earliest production of cheese and hard cheese, and the cultural importance of cheese in antiquity.

This lecture will take place 5-6.30pm on Wednesday 29 May in A48 Sir Clive Granger Building, University Park.

Attendance is free and all are welcome. For more information, and to book your place, please visit the event page.

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