The politics of culture

A workshop on ‘The Politics of Culture’ will be held at The University of Nottingham supported by the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ).

The keynote speaker is Judith Newman, Professor Emeritus of American Studies at The University of Nottingham.

Papers are invited for a one-day workshop aimed at exploring the interconnectivity of culture and politics. Cultural output over the centuries has come to both influence and be influenced by politics and social issues. Literature, art, music, film and television, graphic novels, and even more recent phenomena such as web series and internet channels have come to play a significant role in our understanding of the political zeitgeist. With this influence in mind, interested participants are invited to send in proposals for any of the following:

  • 20-minute postgraduate papers or presentations
  • 20-minute staff papers or presentations
  • 10-minute creative or think pieces (to be followed by discussions)
  • 10-minute undergraduate essays, papers or presentations

Send your proposal of no more than 500 words as a Word document or PDF file to, and Please include your name, paper/presentation/piece title, course, year of study (if applicable), department, university and contact details in your proposal. We are unable to provide any travel or accommodation bursaries, but there will be food and refreshments available on the day. Details regarding dietary requirements, travel and accommodation recommendations will be sent to successful applicants.

The deadline for all proposals is 12 noon on Friday 24 March 2017. All proposals will be responded to, with successful applicants being informed of the decision by 7 April 2017.

The organisers are working to put together a publication on the basis of the workshop. Please contact them for further details if you are interested.

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