The Last Moose of Aoluguya

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The Last Moose of Aoluguya – film screening and Q&A with director Gu Tao, examining the dwindling Ewenki population in northern China.

The award-winning filmmaker Tao Gu has spent the last several years exploring life among the Ewenkis, an ethnic minority in north-eastern China, whose fate suddenly changed when the government in 2003 introduced a ban on hunting and forcefully displaced the group to a reservation. Since then, most Ewenkis have turned to the bottle. This is also true for the protagonist of this both heartbreaking and absurdly funny film, Weijia.
Chaired by Hongwei Bao, assistant Professor of Media Studies. Event funded by the Faculty of Arts Dean’s Fund and the Centre for Contemporary East-Asian Cultural Studies, in conjunction with the Broadway.

Tickets £8 (students £6.20), concessions available. Book on the Broadway website.

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