The Asian spotlight on the history of the Dutch United East India Company (VOC)

The Taiwan Studies Programme (TSP) is delighted a to announce a lunchtime seminar by Dr Ann Heylen, Associate Professor at the Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU).

The talk is entitled, “The Asian Spotlight on the History of The Dutch United East India Company (VOC)”.

Ann Heylen, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), and Director of the International Taiwan Studies Center (ITSC), at the College of Liberal Arts, NTNU.

She is a founding member of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) and editor-in-chief of the East Asian Journal of Popular Culture (EAJPC, Intellect, UK).

Her research covers the history of Taiwan, from 17-20th century, with special attention to Dutch Formosa, the Japanese colonial period (1895-1945) and more recently the turn of the 19th century relations between the Low Countries and East Asia.

If you are interested in attending please reserve your place by emailing Mandy Felton.

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