Science in the Park 2023

Scientists from the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University and a variety of local organisations are joining forces to provide a range of exciting family friendly activities at Wollaton Park on Saturday 11th March for the return of Science in the Park.

Find out about X-rays, robots & lasers, geology and biology, as well as discover Wollaton Hall’s newly transformed Natural History Galleries. Visitors will also have the opportunity to explore the Hall, including its Natural History Museum, with Bird room, Fish room and Evolutions Gallery.

Highlights include:

X-rays, robots and lasers

Understanding how plants and soils work at the Hounsfield Facility. At the Hounsfield Facility we use cutting-edge technology to study soil and plants. Come and see the Lego version of our facility, and find out how our robots, lasers and x-ray CT scanners help us to understand how we can feed the growing global population and cope with climate change.

Geological time: we’re on a roll!

Have you ever wondered just how far back in time we can go? What about how long humans have been on the planet? Whilst we can’t time travel (yet), we can use geology to give us a window into our planet’s history to look for answers.

Join us as we explore the vastness of geological time and put the history of Earth into perspective. We’ll explore Earth’s timeline starting with the formation of our planet 4.567 billion years ago and roll our way through time to the present day, stopping by key geological events such as the evolution of complex life 600 million years ago.

Come and explore the major events in Earth’s history, life on the planet and how we got to where we are today!

Biology: The skin you’re in!

Come and find out more about your skin – it’s the largest organ in your body! We’ll have fun hands on activities including making models of your skin out of sweets or craft materials. We’ll show you how much skin you actually have and you can also get involved in designing a hat to help keep your skin safe in the sun.

Natural History Galleries of Wollaton Hall

Understand more about sea creatures, land animals, evolution and sustainability of the planet, as well as once again, see George The Gorilla, in our newly transformed Natural History Galleries.

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