Race equality in higher education: what’s it got to do with you?

A conference hosted in partnership with the University of Birmingham, as part of Black History Month 2017.

As both universities have made a commitment to the Race Equality Charter, the aims of this conference will help us to prepare for our journeys by:

  • increasing organisational understanding of issues of race inequality in Higher Education
  • sparking debate and conversation about the impact of these issues on staff and students at our organisations
  • setting out how the Race Equality Charter can provide a framework for addressing these issues in a structured way

The conference will explore research, good practice and lived experiences, with speakers to include:

  • Dr Deborah Gabriel, Snr. Lecturer at Bournemouth University and founder of Black British Academics, giving an overview of the current situation of race equality in HE
  • Melanie Joyner. Director of Student Service, Plymouth University. talking about the BAME student attainment gap
  • Members of BAME staff and student networks from each University, talking about their lived experiences
  • Tinu Cornish and Araria Sanusi from the Equality Challenge Unit, giving a background to the Race Equality Charter for HE and why it was introduced
  • Patrick Johnson, Head of Equality and Diversity at University of Manchester, talking about the University’s successful application to the Race Equality Charter

The conference is open to students and academic and professional staff from the Universities of Nottingham and Birmingham and will examine research and good practice as well as enabling staff and students to talk about their experiences.

This event is free to attend, and free transport will be arranged for Nottingham staff.

Advance booking is essential. Book your place here.

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