No Time for Hate – learning about and stopping hate crime (Jubilee Campus event)

Staff are invited to hear from national and regional officers of UNISON involved with combating hate crime and supporting those affected.


  • Clive Foster, Equality Consultant and Trainer
  • Richard Townsley, Expert by Experience, Equality Rep UNISON and former Special Sergeant for Nottingham Police
  • Film: The Harms of Hate
  • Dave Ratchford, UNISON Regional Organiser

This event will take place 2-3pm on Wednesday 30 October in LT3, Exchange Building, Jubilee Campus.

The event is free to attend. All are welcome, including non-union members, but registration is required.

For more information, and to register your place, please visit the event page. Alternatively, please register by contacting Liam Jones.

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