“My name is…” James Bond, masculinity and the Mother Land

  • Start Date: November 4, 2015 at 5:30 pm
  • End Date: November 4, 2015 at 7:00 pm
  • Event Link: http://nott.ac.uk/popularculturelecture
  • Location: B13, Physics Building, University Park
  • Ticket Price: 0.00

James Bond

Dr Nathan Waddell, School of English, discusses masculinity in the James Bond spy thriller series – with a look at Skyfall (2012) and new film Spectre (2015). For more background to the lecture, read Dr Waddell’s blog post ‘James Bond’s ghosts‘.

Admission free, all welcome.

Part of the Popular Culture Lecture Series. For more information, visit their website. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter for updates.

Art by Harlis Grundmanis

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