‘Last Call at the Oasis’ screening

In countries like the UK we take it for granted that we can turn on a tap to get fresh and clean drinking water. We do not often think about how much ‘virtual water’ goes into the things we use every day, such as our clothing and food. But changes to our climate may affect our water supplies in future. We may not always have the ready water supply that we now rely on.

This event, run jointly by The University of Nottingham and the Papplewick Pumping Station Trust, aims to engage the general public with social sciences research in understanding the precarious nature of the world’s supply of usable water. It features a screening of the powerful documentary ‘Last Call at the Oasis’, which brings into focus water sustainability issues, followed by panel discussion, led by Professor Pat Thomson, which delves deeper into the issues presented in the film.

Please register for this event via Eventbrite.

Organised by Horizon Digital Economy Research. Part of the Festival of Social Sciences running 7–14 November.

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