Growing Green Films: Young filmmakers building a sustainable industry

A panel discussion/Q&A on the environmental impact of the film industry and how young – and new – filmmakers can make a difference.

About this event

We know the media can have a massive impact on how we think about the environment and climate crisis, one of the most important and challenging issues faced by our society today: but few of us consider that film production has its own environmental footprint.

The ideas and dreams we realize have real physical costs. from the waste from sets built only to be torn down and thrown away, to the carbon footprint of the energy powering sophisticated digital equipment.

This event brings together educators and advocates for green media production with young and indie filmmakers to discuss the future of greener film production, and how aspirants, students, and new creators can make a change for a more sustainable productions and industry.

Attendees will hear about green production initiatives and resources in the UK and the experiences of award-winning indie filmmakers in creating environmental content.

The session will be led by Dr Leora Hadas, media industries scholar at the Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies. Participants include:
Louise Smith, environmental consultant, Neptune Environmental Solutions
Annie East, Senior Lecturer in Television Production in Bournemouth University, Albert Educational Partnership
Stephanie Wrate, Production Consultant, Albert sustainability trainer
Laura Mahler, writer/director/producer, Film the Change: PLASTIC

Code of Conduct: Everyone is welcome, and all views and perspectives will be respected and valued in the session.

This event is part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2021 and was made possible thanks to funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), which is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

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