Free webinar: How to grow your ‘growth mindset’

If you’re looking for a technique to help you better embrace the opportunities which come your way in life, then join our alumni team for their next webinar on Thursday 25 April at 6pm.

You’ll hear from the university’s own Dr Maria Toledo-Rodriguez about adopting a ‘growth mindset’ – learn how to train your brain and seize the moment!

About the event

Do you feel that opportunities come your way, but you lack the confidence to embrace them? Do you, or does somebody you know, procrastinate or struggle with perfectionism?

If you’re finding it tricky to move forward either personally or professionally, then adopting a ‘Growth Mindset’ might be the key you need to unlock that next transition or embrace a challenge.

Join Dr Maria Toledo-Rodriguez, Associate Professor in Neurosciences at the university, a leading practitioner in harnessing the power of a growth mindset.

Learn about your brain’s ability to change, and how you can transform your “fixed mindset” beliefs into “growth mindset” actions.

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