Forced to flee: when migration is the only alternative

The phenomenon of forced migration has existed for centuries. However, over the past few years, it has been steadily increasing to the point that we are currently facing the record number of 70.8 million internally displaced persons and refugees (UNHCR 2019).

Therefore, forced displacement can rightfully be considered one of the most serious humanitarian crises of our time.

The 21st Annual Student Human Rights Conference aims to analyse the reasons that cause people to leave their life, their home and their country, as well as identify the consequences of this phenomenon. Furthermore, the conference will question the role that states and the international community play in this issue.

Alongside a range of high quality postgraduate student papers, experts on forced migration will be presenting:

  • Ms. Rossella Pagliuchi-Lor – UNHCR’s Representative to the UK
  • Professor Geoff Gilbert – Professor of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, University of Essex
  • Professor Marie-Benedicte Dembour – Professor of Law and Anthropology and member of the Human Rights Centre, Ghent University
  • Matteo de Bellis – Researcher at Amnesty International
  • Deidre Sheehan – Director at Paragon Law Solicitors


Early bird registrations are available via the online store until Sunday 1 March 2020.

  • University of Nottingham student: £10
  • Other student: £15
  • Other delegate: £30
  • Refugees/Asylum seekers: Free attendance. Please contact for tickets.

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