Business Leaders Series

This week,  the Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) welcomes Toby Peyton-Jones, HR Director, Siemens UK and North West Europe.

As part of the Business Leaders Series, we invite high-profile business people to talk about a variety of business and management topics. Events are open to Business School and University alumni, students, and staff as well as visitors from business and industry.

These events are an opportunity to gain unique and inspiring insights into the careers and experiences of leaders in their fields and to meet people from the business and University communities.

You are welcome to attend and bring colleagues from your organisation as long as you register with us first. You will need to complete a separate registration form for each person attending.


5.30pm Coffee and refreshments
6pm Start
7pm Networking reception and buffet

For more information and to register, visit the NUBS website.

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