Brexit and Migrant NHS Nurses – Rescheduled

A Seminar on the unsettling effects of ‘Brexit’ on the retention of EU and non-EU NHS nurses, jointly hosted by ICEMIC & CHILL with speakers, Dr. Joy Spiliopoulos & Prof Stephen Timmons.

The 2016 Referendum decision to the leave the UK was interpreted by the migrant nurses of this pilot study as being a message that migrants are not welcomed in the UK. This study examines the unsettling effects of ‘Brexit’ on the retention of EU and non-EU NHS nurses and their experiences in a heightened xenophobic environment, in their workplace and elsewhere. The participants, highly mobile and skilled healthcare professionals, are being increasingly disenfranchised and seeking alternatives to long-term settlement in the UK.

Speakers at the seminar include: Dr. Joy Spiliopoulos School of International Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China & Professor Stephen Timmons, Business School, University of Nottingham. This seminar will be taking place in B63, Law & Social Sciences Building, University Park.

The event will be taking place on Wednesday 15 January between 4.30-6pm.

This is a free event that is open to all, with refreshments provided upon arrival.

Booking is required, tickets and more information can be found on the official events page.

[Please note, this event has been rescheduled from a previous listing.]

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