Annual staff well-being conference 2019

This year’s theme is ‘Thriving in Higher Education: What works?’

The conference will explore the questions:

  1. How does staff well-being and their skills enable the well-being of students and young people?
  2. What do we know works for staff well-being from research evidence and practitioners?
  3. Where are interventions successful and where is embeddedness important?
  4. Where are the priorities and the gaps in implementation?

This is a collaborative conference with the University of Birmingham which will:

  • Examine the implications of the Government’s Thriving at work report for Higher Education institutions
  • Bring together researchers and practitioners with alumni (and communities) working to innovate in health & well-being
  • Address the challenges for Higher Education identified by the University of Nottingham’s VC, Prof Shearer West, in her inaugural lecture

The conference aims to build collaborative links to develop guidance papers on the implementation of staff well-being approaches for the benefit of university work and study.

This conference will take place 9.30am-4.15pm on Wednesday 3 July in the Teaching and Learning Building, University Park.

For an outline of what to expect on the day, and to book your place, please visit the conference webpage.

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