Posts categorised as ‘News’

Speakers needed for Student Union Black History Month event

The university’s Students’ Union are looking ahead to plans for Black History Month in October 2022. […]

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Nottingham Reward Scheme awards finalised

The Nottingham Reward Scheme (NRS) 2021/22 awards have now been finalised. Successful nominations have been recognised […]

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UoN at the Farnborough International Air Show

This week (18-22 July), colleagues are attending the Farnborough International Air Show – marking a decade […]

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Introducing Nottingham Venues: One destination, endless possibilities

Following the news late last year that East Midlands Conferences Centre (EMCC) Ltd, would be undertaking […]

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Professor Yang Fujia, 1936-2022

A former Chancellor and one of the instrumental figures behind the creation of the University of […]

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Diversity Festival recap: Inclusive leadership – leading by example

For the next few weeks, we will be highlighting one keynote event a week for those […]

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Book your free winter flu jab

The Boots free winter flu jab programme is now open. The university wants to support all […]

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Redistribute unwanted office supplies with WARPit

Do you have spare office furniture, or are you in need of some? Online portal WARPit […]

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Extreme heat warning Sunday-Tuesday

There is a red Met Office warning in place for extreme heat from Sunday 17 July […]

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Join us on stage at graduation – volunteers needed

Colleagues from across the university are invited to play a special part in this summer’s graduation […]

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