Posts categorised as ‘News’

Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s blog: progressing on the road to recovery

In today’s blog I want to focus on some of the tangible ways in which the […]

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New Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Curriculum Leadership announced

Following an internal recruitment exercise, Mark Bradley, currently Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Experience […]

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New IT customer service platform – coming October 2020

Last year a transformational project was started to replace our existing IT service management tools. So […]

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Maintaining a University Windows-managed device

During times of prolonged remote working, it is important that university devices are maintained while on […]

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Town halls for researchers: register for new sessions

Close to 1,000 researchers, postgraduate researchers and research support colleague have attended a series of virtual […]

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Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner

In her latest blog, Professor Dame Jessica Corner provides an update on the fantastic progress being […]

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Professor Tom Arie,1933 – 2020

A former academic staff member of the Department of Healthcare of the Elderly at the University […]

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How is lockdown affecting your relationships?

Researchers in Nottingham are part of a team investigating how the coronavirus lockdown has impacted people’s […]

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Celebrating the class of 2020: graduating… but not graduation

In line with government advice, the University of Nottingham will not be holding physical graduation ceremonies […]

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New online course to support student volunteers

The Nottingham Advantage Award team have created an online course to support students volunteering or working […]

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