“Framed by a Smoking Gun”: book launch and signing – Campus News

“Framed by a Smoking Gun”: book launch and signing

The School of Chemistry will host an event to celebrate the launch of “Framed by a Smoking Gun”, a biography of Col Brian “BD” Shaw.

Col Shaw was a decorated war hero, lecturer of the University, and gave his popular explosives lectures to thousands of people worldwide, up to his 92nd year.

Dr Clare Wilkes, author of the book and alumnus of the School, along with chemists who worked alongside or were inspired by Shaw, will give readings, anecdotes, and live demonstrations.

Books will be available to purchase on the day and can be signed by Dr Wilkes. Alternatively books can be ordered through high street book shops, direct from the publisher or from online booksellers.

This event will take place 4-6pm on Wednesday 30 October in Lecture Theatre X1, School of Chemistry, University Park Campus.

The event is free but booking is essential due to the limited capacity of the lecture theatre.

For more information, and to book your place, please visit the event page.

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