Implementing Campus Solutions – demo roadshow (Engineering)

  • Start Date: October 26, 2018 at 9:30 am
  • End Date: October 26, 2018 at 10:30 am
  • Location: A3 Lecture Theatre 3, Medical School, University Park
  • Ticket Price: 0.00

Interested to see what the new Campus Solutions student records system will look like? Want to know what support you will get in preparation for using it? Come along to a Campus Solutions demo roadshow to find out more.

This is your opportunity to see a demonstration of a further piece of Campus Solutions functionality, find out what preparation work has been completed so far, the plan for cutover and go-live towards the end of this year, and planned later releases.

The roadshow will be hosted by the Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellors, Registrar and Student Services. As always, we look forward to answering your questions and time has been allocated for these.

There is no need for you to book in advance, simply come along.

Colleagues are encouraged to attend the session hosted by their Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor, or the Registrar if you work in Professional Services. But don’t worry if you can’t make that particular session – you’re welcome to attend any other.

The schedule of roadshows is as follows.

  • Arts: 4pm-5pm, Monday 22 October 2018
    Room X2, Chemistry Building, University Park
  • Engineering: 9:30am-10:30am, Friday 26 October 2018
    A3 Lecture Theatre 3, Medical School, University Park
  • Science: 2:30pm-3:30pm, Thursday 1 November 2018
    Room A29, Vet School, Sutton Bonington
  • Registrar: 3pm-4pm, Wednesday 7 November 2018
    Studio 7, King’s Meadow Campus
  • Social Sciences: 1:30-2:30pm, Thursday 8 November 2018
    Room A25, Business School South, Jubilee Campus
  • Medicine and Health Sciences: 11:30am-12:30pm, Thursday 15 November 2018
    C14, Pope Building, University Park.

If you have any questions regarding these roadshows please email


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