Posts categorised as ‘News’

A vote of confidence

A prestigious £400,000 award from the Medical Research Council (MRC) and Technology Strategy Board (TSB) will […]

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Knowing the Score-Stove™ – cooking with sound

A revolutionary stove and electrical generator is currently being tested at local universities in Bangladesh and […]

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Fighting obesity with thermal imaging

Scientists at the University believe they’ve found a way of fighting obesity — with a pioneering […]

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New UK-Chinese Geospatial Centre

A new jointly operated centre for Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering has been opened at te University. The […]

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£1m research collaboration

The University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with FAW, one of China’s biggest vehicle […]

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First major scientific study into rare inflammatory skin condition

Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a rare, disfiguring and very painful skin condition which affects around 360 […]

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Engineering the ‘smart healthcare’ of the future

Pioneering scientists at the University have won a £1.2 million grant for research into the engineering […]

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