Posts tagged with ‘wellbeing’

Dementia Day-to-Day launch

Dementia Day-to-Day is a new joint initiative led by the Institute of Mental Health and the School of English. It takes the form of a series of blogs – mainly online diaries and reflective pieces – integrated into the existing IDEA website. We’ve assembled a panel of authors from all walks of life, each with their own experience of, and interest in, dementia to explore the subject of ageing and wellbeing from as many angles as possible.

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School of Health Sciences scoops Workplace Health Award

The University of Nottingham’s School of Health Sciences has won the Bronze Award for Workplace Health, […]

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What is the future of UK psychiatry?

Following successful conferences in 2013 and 2014, and continuing concerns about the nature, provenance and consequences of contemporary psychiatric practice, the Critical Psychiatry Network has organised a further opportunity for psychiatrists to consider how their practices might develop. There will also be ample opportunity to meet like-minded colleagues.

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Wellness in the workplace 2015

The ICCSR and Nottingham University Business School are proud to host “Wellness in the Workplace” in partnership with Business in the Community (BitC). This event is an opportunity for businesses, non-profits, and academics to come together to promote progress on wellness strategies in business, to raise challenges, and to share new ideas with other organisations.

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Wellbeing courses for staff

Places are now available on the University’s 2015 wellbeing courses for staff. Many are half-day sessions (lasting […]

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Meningitis alert

The following advice is issued as a result of a confirmed case of meningitis involving a […]

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