Posts tagged with ‘universe’

Exploring our universe through different senses

In this interactive family talk, Jez Turner, Assistant Professor in the Department for Foundation Engineering & Physical Sciences, explores how most of our Solar System and the Universe is not just what we see with visible light.

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Fantastic numbers and where to find them: a journey to the edge of physics

Join leading theoretical physicist and YouTube star Tony Padilla, as he explores the most extraordinary numbers in physics, and how they explain fundamental truths of the universe.

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Science Public Lecture Series: Tens of thousands of galaxies at a glance

In this talk, Meghan will tell the story of how some chance weather on a mountaintop in Chile led to the work that would take up the next 15 years of her career.

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The dark side of the universe

Dr Clare Burrage, School of Physics and Astronomy, presents ‘The dark side of the universe’. Part of the Science Public Lecture Series.

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Making a universe from scratch

As part of the Science Public Lecture Series, Julian Onions gives a lecture on the topic of ‘Making a universe from scratch’. Admission is free, all are welcome.

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