Contribute your views on the draft Staff Wellbeing Strategic Plan

May 1st, 2019

Staff are invited to contribute their views to the draft Staff Wellbeing Strategic Plan which has been developed as an action arising from feedback through the Staff Engagement Survey.

The Wellbeing Strategic Plan recognises that wellbeing is holistic and will mean different things to different people, particularly in the way that we each individually manage our own wellbeing. The plan aims to support a holistic approach to wellbeing, building on existing provisions and identifying a range of further responses through projects, initiatives and services across five broad wellbeing themes.

A cross-functional task and finish group has been involved in developing the draft plan and in identifying the five broad themes under which it is proposed future activity will be focused to better support the wellbeing of staff across the University. We are now inviting feedback from staff to ensure the plan meets staff needs.

Please review the draft Staff Wellbeing Strategic Delivery Plan and let us know your views by answering the questions in the feedback form.

Feedback will be considered and revisions will be made before finalising the plan for University approval.

The closing date for staff feedback is Wednesday 29 May 2019.

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