Posts categorised as ‘People’

Martin’s #bigadventure

“The moment you doubt that you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do […]

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Tram named after Nottingham’s Nobel Laureate and co-inventor of the MRI scanner

Nobel Laureate Sir Peter Mansfield, one of the world’s most celebrated scientists, has had a Nottingham […]

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Harold B. Mattingly, 1923–2015

A former academic staff member of the Department of Classics at The University of Nottingham, Harold Mattingly, […]

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Black History Month 2015 – get involved

The University of Nottingham is celebrating Black History Month 2015 with music, public lectures, film screenings […]

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East Leake play area opened by presenter Jess French

The new Gotham Road Recreation Ground play space in East Leake has been opened by the University’s […]

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Eminent orthopaedic surgeon retires after exceptional career

Professor Angus Wallace, a leading figure in British orthopaedic surgery and academic research is retiring from […]

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Time for action – standing up for gender equality with HeForShe

The University of Nottingham is excited to welcome the inaugural HeForShe #GetFree Tour to campus for […]

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Malaysia Campus 15th anniversary – this week’s highlights

To celebrate our 15-year anniversary as the first UK university to establish an overseas campus in […]

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Have you been affected by the Syrian conflict and refugee crisis?

If you, or any of your colleagues or students have been affected by the conflict and […]

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