Posts categorised as ‘News’

Stronger Together – making campus safe for everyone

Courses on unity in diversity and tackling misogyny will be shared with all first year students in […]

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Digital Nottingham: harnessing the latest digital and data expertise to help solve challenges

Professor Paul Grainge updates on Digital Nottingham, a programme that brings together researchers, businesses and civic […]

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Registrar’s book set to benefit Children’s Brain Tumour Research

For over a decade, Registrar Paul Greatrix has collected the more offbeat, unexpected, and in some […]

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Undergraduate students in a lecture, Keighton Auditorium, University Park

Teaching and Learning Conference: submission deadline extended

The submission deadline for this year’s annual Teaching and Learning Conference has been extended to Friday […]

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Support for Turkey and Syria

Following the devastating earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on Monday morning, the university has extended […]

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Trent Building to illuminate for Rare Disease Day 2023

The university’s iconic Trent Building will be illuminated in blue and green to show support for […]

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SHAping Sustainable Futures Research Hub launch

The Institute for Policy and Engagement is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of the SHAping […]

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Are your university details up to date?

Thankfully, emergencies on campus are rare. But to ensure we’re prepared for any eventuality, we’re asking […]

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The National Student Survey – call for support

The National Student Survey (NSS) is now open for final-year undergraduate students. The NSS was established […]

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Fancy learning Mandarin?

The Nottingham Confucius Institute is offering you a free three-week taster course, available in person and […]

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