Posts categorised as ‘News’

Mutant parasite could stop malaria in its tracks

University of Nottingham malaria experts have found a way of disabling one of the many phosphatase […]

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New Institute for Advanced Manufacturing opened

David Willetts, Minister for Universities and Science, today opened a new Institute for Advanced Manufacturing at […]

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The hunt for dark energy is on

Eight billion years ago rays of light from distant galaxies began their long journey to Earth. […]

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The sting in the tale

The solution to a biochemical puzzle over the molecular make-up of a coral reef sea sponge […]

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GPs using unreliable websites for tinnitus information, study finds

GPs are not always using the most comprehensive and reliable online resources to support them in […]

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University helps local business turn farm waste into energy

The University of Nottingham is helping a small local business develop a unique technique for converting […]

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Diet could combat adverse side-effects of quinine

Scientists at The University of Nottingham say adverse side-effects caused by the anti-parasitic drug quinine in […]

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New hope for thousands of women with most aggressive breast cancer

Scientists at the University have identified a protein which could help predict survival outcomes for women […]

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