Posts categorised as ‘News’

Employment prospects for people with mental health problems improved

An innovative support programme has helped to significantly transform the employment prospects of people in Nottinghamshire […]

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Punishment can enhance performance

The stick can work just as well as the carrot in improving our performance, a team […]

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Nottingham professor receives Rolls-Royce Best Patent award

Professor Dragos Axinte from The University of Nottingham, together with colleagues at Rolls-Royce, has received the […]

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Fertilisers could help tackle nutritional deficiency in Malawi

Enriching crops by adding a naturally-occurring soil mineral to fertilisers could potentially help to reduce disease […]

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Research calls for stricter controls on tobacco on TV

UK children are being exposed to millions of tobacco images and messages every week on prime […]

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Fertility clinic sees rise in pregnancy rate thanks to innovative new treatment

A Nottingham-based fertility clinic has seen the number of pregnancies among older women increase by almost […]

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Fair game — University and National Trust partnership to promote Britain’s wild venison

It’s cheap, healthy and sustainable and its provenance can easily be traced back to its free-range, […]

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How do young Latin American women adapt to living in the UK?

A photographic exhibition in response to the growing number of Latin American women in London — […]

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