Staff Pay Awards 2019/20

September 5th, 2019

The University has confirmed details of pay awards to staff for 2019/20. These ensure that the majority of University staff will receive pay rises of between 3.8% and 5.6% (including increments where applicable); deliver significant enhancements for the lowest paid staff; and include a further commitment to pay the equivalent of the Voluntary Living Wage when it is confirmed in November.

Full details of the pay award for all staff are available on the Human Resources website. To see the increase in your pay in monetary and percentage terms, scroll down to the 2019 Pay Award – Salary Impact Tables link. Open the tab for your job family and grade and view the spine point that is applicable to you at 31 July 2019. It is anticipated that the increases will be paid with arrears in October salaries.

A summary for each job family is provided below:

  • For research, teaching and APM grade 4-7 staff, the University will implement the national 1.8% cost of living increase, which when combined with incremental increases and bonuses awarded through the 2018/19 PDPR process means that more than half of staff covered by the national negotiations will receive an average 4.8% pay increase.
  • For Operations & Facilities staff, the University will match the national 1.8% cost of living increase, with significantly higher increases of up to 3.65% for staff at spine point 16 and below, and move all staff with two years continuous service in the role as at 31 July 2019, up an additional spine point. This leads to an average pay increase for the three-quarters of staff who have two years continuous service of between 4.8% and 5.6%.
  • For Technical Services, Childcare Services and APM grade 1-3 staff, the University will match the national 1.8% cost of living increase, with significantly higher increases of up to 3.65% for staff at spine point 16 and below, and additionally pay a 2% non-consolidated bonus for all staff who were at or above the standard pay maximum for their grade as at 31st July 2019. This leads to an average pay increase of between 3.8% to 5.6% recognising that staff below the standard maximum will also receive an increment salary increase in most cases.
  • For Technical Services grade 4 – 5 staff, the University will match the national 1.8% cost of living increase, which when combined with incremental increases and bonuses awarded through the 2018/19 PDPR process means more than half of staff in this group will receive an average 4.8% pay increase.
  • For Clinical Academic staff: in line with comparable NHS staff, salaries for medical and dental consultants are increased by 2.5% and for doctors in training 2%. National and local clinical excellence awards remain unchanged and there are no non-consolidated awards in this pay round.

The University has also committed to continue meet the Voluntary Living Wage rate for the lowest paid staff in 2019/20, which is currently £9.00 per hour. The increased rate will be confirmed by the Voluntary Living Wage Foundation in November for payment from 1 December 2019.

The University of Nottingham undertakes annual pay negotiations on the cost of living increase through national collective bargaining led by UCEA for research, teaching and APM grade 4-7 staff; and local pay negotiations for APM grades 1-3, staff in Operations & Facilities, Technical Services and Childcare Services.

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