Saturn editing restricted from 16 December – updated

December 1st, 2017

Update: Please be aware that the restrictions to Saturn editing in December described in this article will no longer be in place due to a delay in the go-live date for Campus Solutions for UK Student Records. Current access arrangements will continue as planned until further notice.

Early next year, we will be launching Campus Solutions for UK Student Records – replacing our current system, Saturn. On Saturday 16 December, we will start the process of transferring the student data between the two systems, a process that will affect how staff and students will use Saturn.

Access to Saturn3 and Saturn Web

On 16 December, we will be removing access to the editable version of Saturn – Saturn 3. Colleagues who are affected by this change will have been emailed directly.

If you currently have access to Saturn Web, you will retain access to this view-only version of Saturn and will be able to search and view student records. Please do not make changes in this system after 15 December.

Editing is being restricted to allow us time to take a copy of the student information in Saturn and transfer that into Campus Solutions. Any changes made in Saturn after we have taken the copy will not be transferred into Campus Solutions and will be lost.

For information on what to do if you believe there is an urgent, critical change to be made to Saturn during this time, please visit the Project Transform Workspace.

Change in process for students

We will be changing the way students update their personal details during this time. If a student needs to update their personal details from 16 December, they should use the Student Services Enquiry Form rather than the Portal. This process will remain in place until the launch of the new student portal MyNottingham.

Reports pulled from Saturn

As changes will be minimal after Saturday 16 December, you will find that any reports or data feeds from Saturn will no longer be an accurate reflection of the student population.

Learn more

To learn more about the process of ‘data migration’, visit the Business Readiness Workspace.

If you have any questions about the downtime, please email

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