My details, my payslip, MyView.

July 24th, 2017

*UPDATE: as shared on your July payslip, MyView went live on Friday 28 July. More details, including how to log on to MyView, can now be found by clicking this link.*

‘MyView’ is the University of Nottingham’s Human Resources (HR) employee self-service platform.

Using MyView — a module within the University’s HR System — you’ll be able to view and update your personal information, such as your address, demographic information, bank details and emergency contact information.

You will also be able to use MyView to view and print your payslips and P60s.

Payslips go paperless

Following the launch of MyView, paper payslips will be phased out across the University. Instead, you’ll be able to access your payslips electronically on MyView.

These e-payslips will look the same as the paper versions and will contain the same types of details. You’ll be able to use MyView to view all your previous payslips in one place, with records currently dating from April 2017. What’s more, all future payslips will be stored securely on the platform, for you to access as long as you work for the University.

The rollout for e-payslips is as follows:

  • Employees in the Research and Teaching, Technical Services and Administrative, Professional and Managerial, and Childcare Services job families are anticipated to receive their last paper payslip in July 2017.
  • Employees in the Operations and Facilities job family are anticipated to receive their last paper payslip in September 2017.

Any staff member who is unable to access MyView for a reason connected to a disability can contact or to discuss suitable alternative options as a reasonable adjustment.

Reminder: An updated article, including details of how to log into the system, FAQs and a user guide, can now be found by clicking this link.

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June 28th, 2017 at 9:59 am

Steven Walton

How will people who aren’t computer literate or who don’t even have a computer be able to access their payslip? I have a number of staff in this situation. Thanks

June 28th, 2017 at 11:43 am


Hi Steven. We are aware that many Operations & Facilities staff do not access computers at work, and may need support with the skills or equipment to access MyView. Support will be offered jointly by HR and the Business Support Unit at Lenton Hurst over the next few months (information will be posted on notice boards when available), with ongoing support from BSU for queries in person or over the phone including the facility to access a computer and print off pay information if required. Further information about MyView will also be made available via FAQs, which will be published over the coming weeks. Best wishes – Rebecca

June 28th, 2017 at 10:24 am

paul munday

is an external company managing this. if so who will they be selling our personal data to?

June 28th, 2017 at 11:46 am


Hi Paul. MyView is part of the University’s existing HR/Finance system, ResourceLink, and is managed internally. The product is supported by the software provider who act in accordance with the University’s Data Protection Policy, and do not sell personal data. Kind regards – Becky

June 28th, 2017 at 12:02 pm

Glynis Jarvis

Will this apply to people who are receiving their UoN pension and if so how will we access the website.

June 28th, 2017 at 1:33 pm


Hi Glynis. It will apply to anyone who currently gets a payslip from the University of Nottingham, including casual staff and associates. There are different methods of logging into MyView for these groups, which will be communicated in detail when the system goes live. Individuals receiving a CPAS pension will continue to get paper payslips until September 2017, and will receive a letter from Payroll detailing changes that affect them before this date. Best wishes – Becky

June 28th, 2017 at 1:25 pm


how do we connect to myview?? the only “hit” of myview if you search the University website is this webpage..

June 28th, 2017 at 1:35 pm


Hi Terry. We’ll be releasing more details of MyView over the coming weeks, including the URL and details of how to log into the system, as well as FAQs and a user guide. Please check back soon to find out more. Kind regards – Becky

June 28th, 2017 at 2:16 pm

Nicky Fulton

Will the end of year P60s also be e-versions rather than hard copy?

June 28th, 2017 at 2:34 pm


Hello Nicky. Yes, P60s will also be electronic and available via MyView to view and print. Best regards – Becky

June 28th, 2017 at 4:29 pm


Staff members from overseas who apply for residency need to supply payslips and P60s as part of their application. Will the printed out versions be acceptable for this?

June 28th, 2017 at 4:41 pm


Hi William. Thanks for getting in touch. Many institutions such as banks now accept printouts of online payslips as original, as these will contain all the same details as the paper payslip. Current advice from the Home Office, however, suggests including a covering letter confirming the authenticity of these. This will be able to be requested from HR as needed. Further information about MyView will be published in the FAQs, which will made available over the coming weeks. Best wishes – Rebecca

June 29th, 2017 at 8:58 am

Tracy Sisson

Will historical payslips be viewable and, if so, for how long? Some people might not wish to print a payslip out every month (and this will also reduce the printing cost which is being passed onto Schools) but may need to access it at some point.

June 29th, 2017 at 9:07 am

Paula Akpan

Hi Tracy. Yes, you will be able to view previous payslips currently dating from April 2017. You’ll also be able to view and access future payslips on the platform for as long as you work for the University. Thanks – Paula

June 29th, 2017 at 9:30 am

Steve Sharples

Will leavers be able to access their payslips after they have left the University? If employment finishes at (or towards) the end of the month, and payslips become available at or just before the same time, it doesn’t leave much opportunity to download your last pay slip, as University usernames and IT access is revoked immediately on leaving. Also, what about P45s? Thank you.

July 5th, 2017 at 8:50 am


Hi Steve. MyView log ins will be live up to and including an individual’s leave date. Where this means that the final payslip can’t be accessed (individuals leaving mid-month) a paper version will be provided. Electronic payslips will be available a few days earlier than current paper ones, so individuals who leave on the last day of a month will have time to access and save/print these. Paper P45s will be continue to be issued. Kind regards, Becky

June 30th, 2017 at 9:27 am

harry zuranski

why is the university obsessed with putting all our private details on the web. even so called secure sites are susceptible to the right kind of ransom-ware or identity theft software! the paper payslips are more secure than the web ones because they only circulate within the university not the whole world and it hackers, as the electronic ones do!
worst still we weren’t asked if we were happy revealing our personal details to the world – what about data protection?
and what about the pensioners without computers?
again the university rides rough shod over us all!!

June 30th, 2017 at 12:19 pm


Hi Harry. Thanks for your comment – we will pass your queries to HR directly. A list of FAQs is currently being put together about MyView and this will also be published soon. Many thanks – Becky

July 5th, 2017 at 9:50 am


Good morning Harry. Following our previous response, we confirm that the University takes our data protection obligations and the security of our employee data very seriously. MyView is compliant with the University’s Data Protection Policy and has been designed with information security in mind. All personal information remains within the HR System on the campus network in electronic format unless you choose to download or print a copy.
Access to your information from on-campus or the Internet is protected by username and password and transmission between the HR System and your browser is encrypted. The University firewall detects and protects against a wide-range of attacks from the Internet and is updated as new attacks are discovered. Users concerned about accessing MyView from off-campus are reminded that the University offers a free download of Sophos Anti-Virus software for Windows or Mac for use on personal devices.
As MyView is a module within the University’s existing HR system it contains information which has been provided to the University by our employees for legitimate purposes connected to the employment relationship. The MyView module will give employees a way to quickly and easily check the personal information that the University holds about them, providing an efficient way for employees to update this information where needed to ensure that the information continues to be accurate; for example to ensure that the University holds the right emergency contact details. We have been working with the CPAS trustees with regards the effect of the changes for any CPAS pensioners paid through the University Payroll and will be communicating directly with our CPAS pensioners regarding any changes for them.
Please do get in touch if you have any other queries in relation to MyView. Best wishes – Becky

June 30th, 2017 at 3:48 pm

Shelly Rigby

I think if you asked most members of staff in the University if they were happy with this change, 99% would say no. Probably a cost-cutting exercise.

July 5th, 2017 at 8:56 am


Good morning Shelly. Thank you for your feedback here. All of the queries on this article have been collated and passed to HR. More detailed information about MyView will be published soon. Best wishes, Becky

July 4th, 2017 at 9:29 am


Hi, I’d like to see the answer to Steve Sharples question, please?

July 5th, 2017 at 8:52 am


Good morning Marta. We have just replied to Steve’s comment above. If you have any other questions, please let us know. Thanks – Becky

July 10th, 2017 at 8:44 am

ian pullen

Hi, yes, the university elite have yet again made a decision about
changing the way they handle the personal details of it’s employees without any consultation whatsoever !
I believe that Shelly is right, it is more than likely a cost cutting exercise . Actions like this shows complete contempt for its employees and yet again makes it’s own decisions when they know that asking their employees first will not give them the answer they want !

July 11th, 2017 at 3:49 pm


Hi Ian. Thanks for sharing your comments. These have been passed to the project team responsible for implementing MyView. Staff feedback is extremely important to us and the project team have discussed the introduction of MyView with all of the University’s recognised trade unions, as well as with the Staff Equality and Diversity Committee and have taken feedback on board. We would like to assure you that we are listening very carefully and responding to all queries about MyView. We are also working closely with staff to make sure the change is carried out appropriately with support available for all employees to access MyView – in particular we are ensuring additional support is available for members of the Operations and Facilities job family who may not use PCs as a regular part of their role.

Introducing MyView has a range of benefits at the forefront giving staff members a quick and easy way to view and update (where required) some of the key personal information which the University holds about them. Keeping employee data up to date is very important – for example, to ensure that any correspondence is sent to a correct home address and to ensure that we can contact an employee’s next of kin in the event of an emergency. As such the system helps to put you in control of ensuring the accuracy of your information. MyView does also offer benefits by reducing the cost of equipment and paper associated with the printing of payslips, thereby helping the University improve its sustainability, whilst also presenting an opportunity to improve efficiency as we phase out the manual distribution of payslips, meaning that staff who are currently undertaking this task can invest this time in other aspects of their role. Kind regards – Becky

July 11th, 2017 at 9:08 am

Colin Rowe

How will access to payslips be maintained for tax (HMRC)purposes after staff have left the University’s employment? (I believe records should be held for at least 22 month after the tax year)

July 12th, 2017 at 4:26 pm


Hi Colin. MyView log-ins are disabled on an individual’s leave date. Leavers will be reminded in their leaving letter from HR that they’ll need to save or print any previous payslips/P60s they require for future reference. Best wishes – Becky

July 13th, 2017 at 9:55 am


Hi there, I personally think that going paperless is long overdue and would commend the University for making this change: personal information is secure and it is much better for the environment. Even if this is a ‘cost-cutting’ exercise, I believe it is better to invest in other areas and new initiatives, rather than waste money posting paper pay slips which ultimately end up in a filing cabinet or at the bottom of a draw.

July 13th, 2017 at 10:07 am


Hi Jennifer. Thanks for sending us your feedback – we’ll include this in the comments passed to the project team. If you do have any questions about MyView, please get in touch. Best wishes – Rebecca

July 17th, 2017 at 3:39 pm


I was looking forward to getting rid of hard-to-store pay slips and imagined that the electronic replacement would be something like the “receipt” that you receive after an on-line purchase – it’s just a PDF that arrives by email. Great – no special effort required. Easily filed and stored…and searchable.

But what’s suggested is that all staff need to take the time to log into to a new system and print a copy on a remote printer. That’s a lot of staff time and no great paper saving. Please reconsider!

July 17th, 2017 at 4:19 pm


Hi Jasper. Thankyou for getting in touch. In answer to your query, payslips will not be sent by email however the process to log onto MyView will be very quick and easy: if you are a University of Nottingham staff member then you will be able to log on using your normal IT account Username and Password. (Associate staff will be able to log on using their Payroll Number and a password of their choice.)
All of your payslips (from April 2017 onwards) will be saved securely on MyView and will be available for you to access and view throughout the duration of your employment at the University (MyView log-ins will be live up to an individual’s leave date). The e-payslips will not need to be printed out in order to view the information through MyView – however you can will certainly be able to print or download payslips directly from the system if you wish to. I hope this helps – please do get in touch if you have any other queries. Best wishes- Becky

July 18th, 2017 at 4:03 pm


Would staff at least get an email each month informing them that their payslip is available for viewing and downloading?

As Jasper’s comment above (July 17th), if this was sent like a receipt as he describes via pdf, this would be much more helpful for your staff.
Again, I would like to echo the above to please reconsider all this and listen to staff concerns and feedback! Thank you and best wishes

July 19th, 2017 at 11:16 am


Good morning Cat. Thank you very much for your suggestion – we’ve passed your comment and feedback on to HR, who are exploring ways to provide an optional calendar appointment via Outlook. This could be used as a monthly reminder that the newest payslip is available for viewing and downloading every month. Further details will be provided when the system goes live. Best wishes – Becky

July 26th, 2017 at 11:19 am


Is there an option for staff who, for whatever reason, wish to continue receiving a paper based payslip to continue to do so? This is something that banks and other service providers offer.

Are you able to print off your payslip? Will this be something that can be done at the University on the printers here and not charged to the department or is the presumption that all staff who wish to print off their payslip will have access to a personal printer?

Giving staff the option of how they would like to receive their payslip would have been the best way to handle this and would not cause people to have huge concerns regarding their personal security. I hasten to add that whilst you can guarantee the security of your IT system, the security of a person’s computer (whether at the office or a personal computer) is entirely out of your control and does create concern that data will not be so securely held. might prove interesting reading for some.

July 28th, 2017 at 5:04 pm

Md Hossain

If we need original payslips (for 6 months) for the home office (visa purposes) how can we get it urgently? I need need one for this 28 July. Thanks in advance for your reply.

July 31st, 2017 at 9:11 am


Good morning. You should have received a paper payslip for July 2017 and your e-payslips dating from April 2017 can be download/printed directly from MyView. (Institutions such as banks now accept printouts of online payslips as original as these will contain all the same details as the paper payslip. Current advice from the Home Office, however, suggests including a covering letter confirming the authenticity of these – and you can request this from HR as needed.) For advice regarding earlier payslips, or if you have any other questions, please contact HR or email Best wishes – Rebecca

August 2nd, 2017 at 8:50 am


Hi. I have seen your advice for those requiring payslips for visas, but I recently remortgaged (to get a better deal) and they required printed copies of payslips. The lending bank was different to my current account bank, which is paperless. The lenders would not accept self printed account statements. I had to request & pay for original copies from my bank. I suspect most mortgage lenders will not accept self printed payslips either. On the whole, I dont mind this change, but there should be some mechanism for staff to request paper copies for visas or mortgages. You could limit it to 6 within a 2 year period.

January 1st, 2018 at 6:34 pm

Glynis Jarvis

I receive a UoN pension and up until September received a payslip each month. I was told that when I ceased to receive a payslip I would receive a letter detailing changes that would affect me. To date I have not received any letter and would be grateful if you would look into this for me. I have no way of accessing my P.40

January 3rd, 2018 at 9:09 am


Good morning Glynis. I have forwarded your message to the team that deals with MyView. Please can I ask you to also contact HR or email for further information/advice. Best wishes – Rebecca

February 3rd, 2018 at 2:28 pm



Under “View Details” section from the drop down menu (Account) on the top right of my dashboard. What does “current hours” stands for? Is this the number of hours I am being paid for per week, based on my contract? If this is the case then I think there is a misunderstanding somewhere. This is Because the payslip doesn’t state clearly, how many hours I am being paid for so I can’t tell whether I am correctly paid or not.


February 5th, 2018 at 9:54 am


Hi Zamabh. Payroll Services should be able to help you with this query. Please can you contact them using the details provided at Kind regards – Rebecca

February 23rd, 2018 at 12:13 pm

Dave Bicker

My experience so far of this system has been desperately poor. Despite having changed my password on several occasions, (inc. a 45min phone call) the system asks for a password which is claims is invalid.
At one point I tried the ‘change password’ option and awaited an email. The email didn’t arrive.
I spoke with the helpdesk and was told, ‘Oh no, that doesn’t work.’
As you may have realised, my patience with this particular system has been exhausted. I hope this level of inefficiency continues, as were it to work, the shock would probably kill me.
Please address these problems as I’m weary of going through the same routine, every month, to no effect.
This is the Betamax option in present day, kindly do something as I’m fond of a 120/80 blood pressure.
This doesn’t help.

February 10th, 2019 at 10:06 am

Dr Andrew D C MacColl

Dear Ms Kaur

I am trying to get access to my payslip information on the NR ‘MyView’ system. I put in my normal login details, which give me access to everything else on the University system, including much personal and sensitive data, but then I am asked in addition to enter ‘A memorable word’. What on earth does this mean? I have no idea what this is and I do not ever remember providing such a word or being asked for it before. But now I cannot get access to information that I need. This is highly infuriating and simply not acceptable.

February 11th, 2019 at 9:24 am


Hi Andrew. You should be able to log on to your MyView account using your normal University IT account username and password. As an additional security measure, added ‘security’ questions were set when you first logged on. If you are having difficulties accessing your account, please contact the IT Helpdesk at 0115 95 16677. Best wishes – Rebecca

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