COP26: an opportunity for our community to come together and help tackle climate change

October 18th, 2021

COP26 takes to the world stage from Monday 1 November, as global leaders and citizens come together to act on climate change. The message of the United Nations conference is clear: We must act now, and act together.

Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, will lead the university’s delegation at COP26 in Glasgow.

Dame Jessica states: “COP26 is a rallying call to us all.

“At no time in history has humankind been at a crossroads and knowingly faced a choice with such profound consequences for the lives of generations to come.

“But thanks to science, and unparalleled abilities to assemble and interpret data and share this knowledge, we have never been better equipped to agree a way forward.”

Throughout COP26, our researchers will be sharing commentary, podcasts and insights into their discoveries and its impact on climate change.

You will find these on our COP26 web pages, and can follow our campaign on social media, including Twitter (@UoNresearch and @UoN_Institute).

Please look out for hashtags including #TogetherForOurPlanet and #COP26 and share content via your school and department in support of this campaign.

Our university has a long-standing commitment to tackling climate change. Our response informs our mission to deliver world-leading research and inspiring teaching and learning, while biodiversity and sustainability are the cornerstones of our campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia.

COP26 will highlight that climate change requires determined and coordinated action on many fronts, which is supported by research at the university:

Our cross-disciplinary research and partnerships highlight our capacity and determination to work together deliver solutions and impact.

By sharing our innovative research, we hope to inform debate at COP26, providing UK and international policymakers with the science, data, expertise and insights they need to work together, and establish new partnerships to deliver solutions.

Our Institute for Policy and Engagement is supporting our academics attending COP26 and working with government, industry and society to promote our research, influence policies and debate, and establish new collaborations.

We are also connecting with people across our university and the communities we serve. Our campaign highlights how our staff and students can get involved and make a difference.

Our researchers will also be sharing their knowledge on environment issues with schoolchildren as part of Primary Parliament, hosting events on climate issues during the ESRC Festival of Social Science and exploring air quality with Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum.

We’re also working with partners (including the city council, NTU, Ignite! and Backlit Studios) to host a pop-up exhibition, Green Light in the City, which is scheduled to open in a commercial space in central Nottingham in early November. The exhibition focuses on key messages from our research and on steps that everyone can take to reduce their carbon footprint. Come along to an event and share messages of hope.

University of Nottingham Malaysia is supporting Malaysia Climate Action Week (25-29 October) and is contributing webinars on  how businesses can contribute to the challenge (Dr Mohan Visveswara, Nottingham University Business School), NUBS and on climate-smart agriculture (Dr Chiew Foan Chin, Biosciences).  UNM is also planning to highlight alumni and students who are active in the climate/sustainability space.

COP26 is also an opportunity to highlight research at University of Nottingham Ningbo China that is tackling the climate crisis, from addressing air pollution to smart eco-city partnerships.

We encourage you to support and champion the efforts and dedication of our community as they support COP26 and help shape the future.

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