Changes to student ID numbers in the UK

December 17th, 2018

As highlighted in the Campus Solutions implementation update last week, we will need to make an adjustment to student ID numbers for existing UK students so their records can be added into Campus Solutions.

ID numbers for students in the UK are generally seven-digits in length but ID numbers in Campus Solutions are eight-digits long.

New students that will be commencing their studies in January 2019 will be given new eight-digit Campus Solutions ID numbers and these will be displayed on their student ID cards.

The majority of UK students that commenced their studies before 2019 will be given a ‘1’ in front of their student ID number from January 2019. Their University student ID cards will display their old ID number and will continue to work as normal. These students will not be given new ID cards, so please bear this in mind if you work with student ID numbers.

The students where this rule does not apply are detailed in the table below.


Messages will be issued to students to provide them with the details of this change. Exam Invigilators will brief students about the use of ID numbers on exam papers in January 2019.

If students require a new ID card they can request a new one by emailing their name and student ID number to

Thank you for your support as we make these changes to student ID numbers across the University.

Please do not hesitate to email if you have any questions.

Updated 13 Dec 2018: Dates changed for when intercampus mobility students from China/Malaysia that started in the UK from September 2018 need to start using student ID cards from China/Malaysia. 


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One Comment

July 25th, 2021 at 4:35 pm

Print Britannia

Your content is really good. I have learned more things from your content. I hope you provide us this type of content in the future.

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