Posts categorised as ‘Research’

Code of Research Conduct and Research Ethics updated

The university’s code to ensure all research across our campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia […]

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Trusted Research Toolkit: keeping our international partnerships safe

The university has developed a Trusted Research Toolkit to support all researchers and colleagues who have […]

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Our message of hope at COP26: research can truly change the world

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner COP26, the United Nations Climate Conference, opens in Glasgow on […]

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Our gradual and careful approach for research as restrictions are lifted

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner We are reviewing our research activities following the lifting of […]

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Research and Innovation site – training and support for staff and students

Staff and students are welcomed to the new o365 site for Research and Innovation. Research and […]

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How job adverts need to change to boost inclusivity

Linguistics experts are calling for a complete overhaul of the way language is used in job […]

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Next steps in research strategy consultation, and tackling climate change

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner We continue to make good progress towards developing the university’s […]

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Frontier research for growth and recovery: our vision for Digital Nottingham

Guest blog by Professor John Gathergood Technology-driven radical transformations in the economy and society, propelled forward […]

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UN Climate Change Conference: call for campaign contributions from research teams

The UK will be hosting the most important event in the climate change calendar in November, […]

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Research strategy consultation: your wonderful response

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner Our consultation on the development of the university’s new research strategy […]

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