Posts categorised as ‘People’

Portal maintenance work affecting exam timetables

Essential maintenance work is taking place on the portal during Spring Semester exams. On Sunday 14 […]

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Helping young people into university for 5 years

A partnership that helps breaks down the barriers to higher education is celebrating its 5th anniversary. […]

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Leading Universities welcomed to Universitas 21 Annual Network Meeting by The University of Nottingham

In the first week of May 2017, the University welcomed senior leaders from Universitas 21 for […]

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Cafe Remedy in the Medical School is closing

From Monday 1 May Café Remedy will be closed for business. Café Remedy is currently located […]

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Big wins at Student Nursing Times Awards

Our student nurses and staff are celebrating after scooping four awards at the prestigious Student Nursing […]

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I now pronounce you husband and wife… And husband and wife… And husband and wife (x10)

Ten couples have shared their special day in the first mass wedding ceremony to take place […]

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Trent Building, University Park

Academic Promotions 2016/17

Congratulations to the following University of Nottingham colleagues, who have been awarded academic promotions effective from 1 […]

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The Students’ Union Advice team are relocating

On Tuesday 25 April, your Students’ Union Advice Team is moving to a new location in […]

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Free online course – Ending Slavery

There are more slaves alive today than at any point in history. Around the world, nearly […]

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Maintenance works on Coates Road

From L2 (number 39 on the campus map) westward, Coates Road on University Park will be […]

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