Posts categorised as ‘News’

Introduction to Trusted Research and Export Controls online sessions

The Trusted Research team (Research and Innovation) have launched online sessions open to all staff and […]

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The real free speech problem in universities: blog by Registrar, Paul Greatrix

The real problem that universities have with freedom of speech is that they are no good […]

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Act of Remembrance, Friday 11 November, 11am

Staff and students across the university are invited to participate in the Act of Remembrance by […]

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VC staff surgeries: Tuesday 15 November, 2pm – 3pm

The next set of ‘staff surgery’ sessions are now available for colleagues to discuss any issue […]

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Black History Month 2022: recap and review

The end of October marks the end of Black History Month. This year’s theme was Action […]

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University e-assessment application to be rebranded

The university is rebranding its e-assessment application, Rogō and it will become known as ExamSys. This […]

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Professional Services Hubs to be upgraded and expanded

The Professional Services Hubs at University Park, Kings Meadow, Jubilee and Sutton Bonington campuses will be […]

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New university senior tutor and deputy university senior tutor

Following an internal recruitment process, Andy Fisher, Professor of Philosophy and former deputy senior tutor, has […]

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Disability Recognition Month at the university

Each year, the university celebrates Disability Recognition Month. This year, we’re celebrating between Wednesday 16 November […]

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Level 1-3 pay implementation – October salaries

Colleagues at levels 1-3 will see their 22/23 pay award implemented in the October salary payment, […]

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