Posts categorised as ‘News’

Act of Remembrance, Monday 11 November

Staff and students across the University are invited to participate in the Act of Remembrance by […]

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University of Nottingham honours inspirational volunteers

The University of Nottingham has recognised the outstanding voluntary efforts of a number of alumni and […]

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University of Nottingham Students as Change Agents receives award

The European Consortium of Innovative Universities 2019 team award has been made to the University of […]

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Launch of RIS outputs data harvesting – add your ORCID identifier to your RIS profile

Dear colleagues, At 5pm on Friday 1 November we will be turning on an important function […]

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New research funding information and support site

A website for funding news, external funding support and internal UoN funding updates has been developed […]

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John Bentham Memorial Service

A University memorial service for John Bentham is due to take place 1-3pm on Thursday 7 […]

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Call for volunteers to help at Graduation — December 2019

Student Services are looking for volunteers to help with winter graduation in December. Volunteers would help […]

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100 years of Rugby Union at the University

This season marks 100 years of Rugby Union at the University of Nottingham. In celebration, the […]

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Dr Mark Jabbal nominated finalist for WISE Man Award

Dr Mark Jabbal, Assistant Professor in Aerospace Engineering, has joined the ranks of individuals recognised for […]

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Nottingham receives £15 million investment in bioscience

The next generation of Nottingham bioscientists have received a £15 million investment from the Biotechnology and […]

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