Posts categorised as ‘News’

Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s blog: update on teaching and learning

In this week’s update I’d like to focus on progress made around teaching and the student […]

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The legacy of scientific racism – join the event

Explore the murky history of race science and the ways it has been resurrected in the […]

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Registrar’s blog: Supporting the University’s recovery

I wanted to update our community on the work undertaken by colleagues across the University’s professional […]

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Updated menopause support guide for managers

An updated guide for managers supporting staff members who may experience workplace challenges due to the […]

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Hosting meetings, video conferences and broadcasts

In April, Information Services communicated that Zoom should not be used for internal meetings, video conferencing […]

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New survey launched to gather views of student life during pandemic

A new survey is being launched to help the University understand more about the impact that […]

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Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s blog: reflections on progress so far

This week is the twelfth week of the UK’s Coronavirus lockdown and the fourth week of […]

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Black Lives Matter: statement and resources

You will all be aware of the significant events that have taken place this week in […]

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Collect your office equipment using Grab and Go

Do you need equipment that you have on campus to help you to continue working from […]

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Data protection, information security, FOI and records management training

The Information Compliance Team are running further online training sessions with dates from June through to […]

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