Posts categorised as ‘News’

Winter class of 2020: graduating, but not graduation

In place of on-campus winter graduation the University will be holding a day of online celebration […]

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT+) History Month ’21 planning committee – join now

The University is preparing for LGBT+ History Month celebrations in February 2021. We are looking to […]

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Black History Month 2020 recap and highlights

Throughout October, the University held several events as part of our celebrations for Black History Month […]

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Works to upgrade electrical cabling begins

Trenching works to upgrade the electrical cabling around campus in the roads and adjacent verges will […]

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New COVID-19 restrictions – Message from Professor Andy Long

Dear colleagues, I am writing to inform you that, as of Friday 30 October, Nottinghamshire will move […]

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Tier three restrictions for Nottingham

It has been confirmed that, as of 00:01am Friday 30 October, Nottinghamshire will move into the […]

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Continued awareness of phishing emails

Cyber criminals continue to exploit the uncertainty and anxieties of remote working across the world, and […]

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Spokes and EMCC offer free school lunches

As part of the national campaign started by Marcus Rashford, Spokes and the East Midlands Conferencing […]

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Keeping well this winter: flu vaccinations

We want all our employees to stay fit and healthy as we move into the colder […]

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Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s blog: Commitment to investing in mental health

This week I wanted to touch on the issue of mental health. It goes without saying […]

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