Posts categorised as ‘News’

Foundational IT Services refresh

The university will improve IT services to better support teaching, research and operations with the appointment […]

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USS Pension Scheme: updated statement of principles

The Russell Group of leading research-intensive universities has today published an updated statement of principles for […]

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Energy Institute relaunches to focus on key energy challenges

The University of Nottingham Energy Institute has been relaunched, with a new strategic focus and a […]

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Nottingham buildings turn blue this weekend as NHS turns 73

Some of our most iconic Nottingham buildings will turn blue this Saturday, July 3, to mark […]

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PVC EDI Blog: Reflecting on my time as PVC for EDI

In her valedictory blog, Professor Sarah Sharples looks back at her time as Pro-Vice Chancellor for […]

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How job adverts need to change to boost inclusivity

Linguistics experts are calling for a complete overhaul of the way language is used in job […]

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Project Management Community consultation for upcoming relaunch

If you are involved in project management or leadership, the university wants to hear from you […]

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Occupational Health and Wellbeing services contractor chosen

The University of Nottingham has contracted with TP Health Ltd for the provision of Occupational Health and Wellbeing […]

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Covid-19 contact centre set to close

The Covid-19 contact centre – a helpline service for staff and students – will close on […]

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