Posts categorised as ‘News’

Reportable Events – launch of university process

In order to manage the university’s obligations in relation to reportable events, a new process has […]

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University is second in the world for sustainability

The University of Nottingham has been ranked 2nd in the world in a list of the […]

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Our new research strategy – invitation to find out more

The university has published a new strategy for research. Many thanks to colleagues from across our […]

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Horizon Europe: guarantee for winners of EU funding

Update on ‘safety net’ as UK association to R&D programme is delayed The government has announced […]

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Code of Research Conduct and Research Ethics updated

The university’s code to ensure all research across our campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia […]

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Do you fancy learning a language?

Did you know the university has a language centre offering evening classes which are open to […]

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A blue background with a laptop and notebook and pen

Refreshed exam resources launched to help students get January exam ready

Today the university has updated our exam resources to support students through the upcoming January exam […]

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go! Switch off for Christmas

Each year we ask everyone to turn off all non-essential equipment before leaving for Christmas. Help […]

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University honey sales raising money for charity

The popular university honey is back on sale in campus outlets after a year away – […]

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